
“Never install prerelease software on your production PC.”

In this sentence, “production PC” means not “PC for producing (manufacturing) something” but “your main PC” or “PC that you mainly use for work or at home”.

If you think of other expressions that use “production” in the same meaning, can you show me sentences?



What is the difference between

“This is the message I’d like to leave with you” and

“This is the message I’d like to leave you with.”




Does “contriubte” usually mean “do something for free”?

For example,

“Your PC’s computing power is contributed to route other peoples’ calls”




“The vendor claims that their firewall can block more than 99.99% of malware attacks, and the manager wants to verify it. I think it next impossible counting all the incidents of virus infection in our company during the past 12 months.”

Does “next impossible” mean “almost impossible”?

Does “counting” mean “considering” or “if we consider”?



Does the following two sentences mean the same?

“Hold the circuit board FROM SIDES.”

“Hold the circuit board ON THE EDGES.”<=Is this sentence correct?


Do you prefer “or” or “and”?

(In a petshop) Do not touch cats and dogs.

Do not toush cats or dogs.


Is the following sentence correct?

“If circuit boards are damaged, remove them in suitable ways for each circuit board.”

Does the following sentence have the same meaning?

“If circuit boards are damaged, remove them ACCORDINGLY.”


Does “if possible” and “as much/far as possible” have almost the same meaning?

“Use a flat worktable if possible”

“Use a flat worktable as much/far as possible.”


Which is preferable in front of “optimum”? “the” or “an”

Grounding is an optimum means against static electricity discharge.

Grounding is the optimum means against static electricity discharge.

(I think it is “the” because “optimum” means “the best”)


For me it seems that “leave” has two meanings:

“I left the room” = go away from

“I left some milk” =keep

How do you distinguish? “Leave + location” = “go away from” & “Leave + object” = “keep”?